National Public holidays of Thailand in 2017


Day Date Holiday Comments
Thursday January 01 New Years Day Wan Khuen Pi Mai
Friday January 02 New Year Holiday Bridge holiday as New Year's day is on a Thursday
Thursday February 19 Chinese New Year Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala and Satun only
Wednesday March 04 Makha Bucha Day Date varies depending on the lunar cycle
Monday April 06 Chakri Day April 6th, or following Monday if it falls on a weekend
Monday April 13 Songkran Festival Thai New Year
Tuesday April 14 Songkran Festival Thai New Year
Wednesday April 15 Songkran Festival Thai New Year
Friday May 01 Labour Day May 1st, or following Monday if it falls on a weekend
Monday May 04 Public Holiday Bridge holiday before Coronation Day
Tuesday May 05 Coronation Day May 5th, or following Monday if it falls on a weekend
Wednesday May 13 Royal Ploughing Ceremony Government
Monday June 01 Visakha Bucha Day Date varies depending on the lunar cycle
Friday July 17 Eidilfitri Day Banks in Narathiwat, Pattani, Yala, and Satun only
Thursday July 30 Asahna Bucha Day Government and banks
Friday July 31 Buddhist Lent Excludes banks
Wednesday August 12 H.M. Queens Birthday Aug 12th, or following Monday if it falls on a weekend
Wednesday August 12 Mothers Day Wan Mae. Aug 12th
Friday October 23 Chulalongkorn Day Oct 23rd, or following Monday if it falls on a weekend
Saturday December 05 Fathers Day Celebrated on H.M. Kings Birthday
Monday December 07 H.M. Kings Birthday (observed) Dec 5th, or following Monday if it falls on a weekend
Thursday December 10 Constitution Day Dec 10th, or following Monday if it falls on a weekend
Thursday December 31 New Years Eve Wan Sin Pi


National Holiday
Regional Holiday
Not a Public Holiday
Government/Public Sector


  • Where the actual date of the holiday falls on a weekend, a substitute day has been granted on the Monday as a day's holiday.
  • Alcohol is not served on religious holidays